Kenny was the idea man behind Fuzzypups! coming up with our slogan, and building out the majority of the resort. He was truly a 'dog whisperer' and all the dogs adored hm.
If you end up some day with some additional tiny pups, please do let me know. You have given us the most amazing dogs over the years, and have enriched our lives immeasurably with all of them! Here is a picture of Aria and Cowboy. Our human kids (Derek and Devin) got us some sweatshirts this Christmas with pictures representing all our Fuzzypups over the years, Six in all! THEY ARE TRULY THE BEST! Enjoy your retirement, and keep in touch!
Carol 02/15/2024

Steve and Leah Dea <[email protected]>
Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 9:32 AM
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that Poppy (formerly Sassy) is doing great! She is a bundle of fun and keeps Oakley very busy - he only hides under table to escape occasionally. And, she sleeps in her crate all night! We are all in love! ❤️ Leah and Steve
Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 9:32 AM
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that Poppy (formerly Sassy) is doing great! She is a bundle of fun and keeps Oakley very busy - he only hides under table to escape occasionally. And, she sleeps in her crate all night! We are all in love! ❤️ Leah and Steve

MIss Lucy Woodman